No where! And I’m here to tell you all about it. Hands up for anyone who is done with all this covid bullshit?! Its Feb, and just shy of one year where the government decided we had to go into the first lockdown. How and where did the time go? We basically have nothing to show for the last year of life, but at the same time, I guess we have to be thankful for being here. Our fall 2020 was uneventful, like everyone else’s although we did get a new addition to our bus family. We have good friends that own a bus, named Big Bus – a 1957 GMC Pd4104 that has its own cool story from Branson, MO. We travel in convoy in the summer for glamping vacations in BC. In Sept, their son bought a 1958 GMC Pd4104 and aptly named her Jolene. Here are the three musketeers.
We hummed and hawed about moving back into the city, since we aren’t big fans of being in the city anymore.
Our friends have a very long driveway, and they cleared it out, to make room for Ruby.
They also cut a whole in the fence and made us a gate! How awesome!
With Todd going back to work, and having to commute over an hour each way, we thought it would be better to be squatting in the city than driving through winter on the back country roads. Todd created some fancy external oil burning heating system that was both a furnace and heated the floor in Ruby. We sure needed it after this dump of winter and cold.
Todd went back hydrovac’ing until he got the Christmas layoff. I, as usual, worked like a crazy woman to meet deadlines and yadda yadda. We had a few birthdays, our anniversary, Christmas and new years that all came and went, without much celebration or pomp and circumstance like previous years. Surprisingly, after the initial snowstorm in October, the weather turned warm and stayed that way until last week. Temps were above normal for so long, that Todd decided to get working on the pole barn, that is now called the bus barn. Got a pretty good deal at Ritchie Bros auction for two metal buildings – one was 20×30 and the other was 20×20 for a total of 50×20. With Ruby being 40×8, this would be the perfect size for the bus barn. Todd got to work on it on new years day. Here are a few pictures of the process.
The only other excitement in our world is that our trusty, reliable trooper of a car, Cindy the civic, was laid to rest in January. You may remember last year, one of her iconic photo’s of the generator on the hood:
We had to replace Cindy with Sally the Suzuki. Stay tuned for all of our upcoming adventures with her!
Sadly, we moved out of Ruby for the rest of the winter and kept her parked in the driveway. Ended up moving into my dad’s house while he is away for the winter, in warmer climates. We miss our Ruby everyday, and can’t wait to get her ready for our next adventure to Canada’s warmest climate Osoyoos in the Spring.
Great to hear from you guys! Always something going on…. 2020 was crazy, and surprisingly the real estate market kept me busy! Between people looking for more space (working from home/homeschooling) and others downsizing or looking for recreational property since they aren’t travelling, it was a good year for me. Thank goodness, cuz there wasn’t much else going on!
Stay well and stay warm!
Can’t wait to see you and partake in Ruby adventures with Tina the Tahoe Trailer. 😉