Did a road trip to Punta Arena, only about 30 minutes from La Ventana. This place was AMAZING! I think there were about 6 other people there. We tried a bit of snorkeling but didn’t see much for fish – a few puffer and some with pointy spines all over. I was glad I had my skinny suit as the water was a bit cool.

Skinny suit!

Check out the video we took of this amazing beauty: punta arena

And our trip back to our homestead included a “deviacion” off the main road to a secondary highway – check this video out: secondary highway

Saturday night is party night in (Mexico, but for sure) La Ventana – we should have known better when there were no other RV’s or campers in the beach parking lot by 6 pm. We didn’t really think anything of it, until we went to bed and then there was a constant flow of cars and people in and out of the beach parking area, music blaring out of the car until 4:30 am. We didn’t feel unsafe at all, it was just loud Spanish EDM music – not our jam.

We’ve managed to ride our bikes here daily (at least 6 km) and walk at least 6-7000 steps a day, which is pretty impressive.

We are off to Los Barriles area next, for about a week so stay tuned….