This transient life we live, sometimes allows us to leave our Ruby behind – lock her up and wave goodbye, while we get on a plane for adventures that don’t involve driving. I had a United airline flight credit for $1200 from before covid lockdown and it kept getting extended…for 2.5 years….until I got a notice from United in January saying if didn’t use my credit by Jun 30, it was lost! I’m NOT losing a credit this big! Eeek how can we book a fly trip, when we are spending 3.5 months in Texas, getting home in mid-April? This seemed like a bit of a conundrum. After a day or two, we realized that we could go to Maui – where summer was guaranteed to be there, I could still work, we could have a bit of adventure, maybe bring some family and / or friends with us….well all of a sudden it didn’t seem like a conundrum! So we booked it and after 6 very wet, cold weeks back in Alberta, we were Maui bound!
With Todd’s mum in tow, we headed west in search of sun and sand! Aloha Maui!
Everything is perfectly perfect in the oasis of Kihei!.
I can sum up our time there pretty easy:
- Morning beach walk
- Breakfast
- Snorkel
- Chill out
- Lunch
- Activity
- Pool
- Sunset
- Repeat
Routines seem pretty boring and repetitive I know, but these are some of the activities we did:
Iao Needle and Iao Valley
Drive to Hookipa to see turtles
Makamakaole Stream hike: (39) Bamboo forest – YouTube
Here was the:
- (39) Fern forest at the end of the trail – YouTube and
- (39) The other waterfall – YouTube at the “Y” in the stream
Makawao to eat a Polli’s Mexican
We dropped Todd’s mum at the airport on day 9 and picked up our friends on day 10. They hung out with us for 2 weeks and were pretty much did the exact same routine (aside from a few days that the ladies had to work 😖 ) and these were the rest of the activities we did.
Olivine Pools – no photo’s of this, since camera’s and water don’t mix!
Golf x 2
Pupu’s in Lahaina, Gannons, Three’s or Maui Brewing
And that’s what we did!
There may also have been a few jellyfish stings too, and by the end of the trip, at least one of us was dressed like this:
and after 26 days… was time to leave… Mahalo Maui!