Its been three weeks since we returned back to Canada, back to the 40 acres of family land. With the current covid situation and all its craziness, it doesn’t even feel like we were gone, let alone gone for 3 months. Was that just 3 weeks ago that we got back, it feels like an eternity!
And to make it seem even worse, is the weather! When will spring finally get here? Squatting where we are, just south of Sundre, AB, and slightly NW of Cremona, AB there is a weird weather vortex, and we have determined that this small chunk of land, has its own weather system. When there is a chance of snow, we usually have white out conditions and a foot of snow. If there is a chance of rain, its usually turns in to the heaviest, coldest thunderstorm you have ever witnessed. If you drive 1.5 km north or 1.5 km east of the property, its like normal predicted weather! WTF Mother nature!
So, the last 3 weeks have been brutal, on top of not being used to the cold (well, I think we are probably accustomed again, since it hasn’t let up in over 3 weeks!), the quantity of snow we have had out here is INSANE! I thought I would demonstrate what “fun” we’ve had while trying to stay warm and sane.
So we did what every Canadian should do in this situation, snow shoe and heres that video: Snowshoeing
Honestly, how in the world did we go from warm sunny beach to snowy cold shyte!
Come on mother nature, enough!