A Spring in our Step

We aren’t sure why we came back from Mexico so early – in hind site we should have waited until at least mid April to return. The weather in Alberta and Western Canada in March, is usually undesirable. So we will keep that in mind for future travels! Regardless, we...

What?! I can’t hear you

It was bittersweet saying goodbye to the fam…it was the end of a great vacation time, but the beginning of a new adventure for us in the next town of Tulum. Mexico has one main bus system that runs through the whole country called ADO. The tickets from city to city...

Cowboys and Canyons in the Texas Panhandle

The entire month of March we were camped near or along lakes and/or oceans where the daytime high was an average of 33C and nighttime of 18C. Heading north up towards Amarillo area meant that we were going to climb in altitude, so day and night temps were changing– I...

Birds and Boars on the Rio Grande

We were not sad to see South Padre Island in our rear view mirror (although we don’t actually have a rear view mirror in Ruby). It was starting to get a bit too busy for us on the Island. Happy to roll down Highway 2 through southern Texas heading towards the famous...

Punta Arena

Did a road trip to Punta Arena, only about 30 minutes from La Ventana. This place was AMAZING! I think there were about 6 other people there. We tried a bit of snorkeling but didn’t see much for fish – a few puffer and some with pointy spines all over. I was glad I...