If I can sum up Cabo in any way, I would call it “Re-donkulous”. Its kind of like Las Vegas on Ocean steroids. That. is. it.
We squatted here for 2 nights – we had planned to do a few activities, but after a bit of investigation, we determined that we couldn’t do what we wanted to do, so we threw the towel in early and said, let’s get the hell outta here. There are no RV camping areas in the Cabo area. We have relied a lot on the IOverlander APP, there was nothing to offer here, that we considered safe. Our best option for a big rig was to squat in the “arroyo” (which is a dry riverbed) at Playa Azul, but even IOverlander didn’t really recommend it. We also tried to find a few spots off the Camino Cabo Este “highway” (read sand highway), and due to recent rain, most of the “recommended camping spots” were high clearance, 4WD spots – which we couldn’t do. So we made our own camp, about 30 km north of San Jose del Cabo, off a paved road (on the way to richy rich houses).
We have heard a few different variations of what Cabo is called and this is what we found out: the area is made up of two separate cities Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo that are about 15 km apart/together and they make up the area generally knows as Los Cabos.
Every time we drove to our house, north of San Jose del Cabo, we passed random donkeys – who were looking for carrots from passersbye. It made me think – hmm, are they donkeys? Burros? Mules? Jack-asses? WTF are they? – here’s what I learned from google: The donkey or jackass is a domesticated member of the horse family. The only real difference between a donkey and a burro is their domestication status. A donkey is domesticated, a burro is wild. A ‘mule’ is a widely used term is the offspring of a male donkey (a jack) and a female horse (a mare).
So we are going to assume, since there were 4 of them, and they weren’t tagged, that they were wild – we will call them burro’s. This was our excitement on our way to and from Ruby, for 2 days. We didn’t do a lot in Cabo, we brought our bikes in to San Jose to ride the bike path’s which were good, filled up at Costco (which was much more expensive than Calgary) checked out a couple of beaches and walked the Marina. Probably the biggest marina we’ve seen in a while, and it also included all the annoying people trying to sell you a tour, never-ending loud and obnoxious “American” style bars, T-shirt and Mexican blanket stands and you name it, it was here. The biggest attractions in Cabo are deep sea fishing and boat tours to the “Arch”. Here is a link to that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arch_of_Cabo_San_Lucas
We were pretty convinced that trusty limpy the kayak would get us to the arch and to Lovers Beach, once she was all repaired; however, we did some googling and went to check out the marina and other areas close by to launch, and realized that this would be bad idea – here is what we saw Cabo Marina Video
So after that, we decided that Cabo had nothing to offer us, it was not our jam and we were going to pull anchor and get out of dodge.